Friday, August 16, 2013

Ekpyrotic Theory

     The Ekpyrotic Theory gives the Big Bang Theory an alternate beginning.  According the the Ekpyrotic Theory, the universe arose from the collision of two three-dimensional worlds in a space with a fourth spatial dimension.  Instead of the universe beginning at infinite temperature and density, this theory suggests that the universe was cold and vacuous billions of years ago, and the collision made the universe hot and expanding. The theory does not cancel out the Big Bang Theory; it just offers a different beginning.  It fixes some problems with the Big Bang, specifically the magnetic monopoles. Monopoles are over produced in the Big Bang; with this theory, they are not produced at all.  The issue with this theory is that it is still in the works.  The article says, "Our proposal is based on unproven ideas in string theory and is brand new."  It still needs a lot of work to be proven and accepted.

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