Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Bang Theory

     The Big Bang Theory is a widely accepted theory that the universe began from an initial atom and has expanded over billions of years.  The Big Bang Theory discredited the Steady State Theory.  The Inflation Theory is a component of the Big Bang; it addresses the early moments of the universe following the Big Bang.  It suggests that the universe was created in an unstable energy state, so rapid expansion took place in the early stages of the earth's formation. Another element of the theory, CMB Radiation, is the remnant energy left over from the Big Bang.   There are some unaswered questions regarding the Big Bag Theory still.  The most frequent concerns are what existed before the Big Bang and what caused the Big Bang. There were some issues with Inflation Theory, such as homogeneity, flatness, and the overproduction of magnetic monopoles.  These issues have been potentially solved through various experiments. 

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