Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big Crunch

     The Big Crunch Theory does not differ from the Big Bang Theory, rather it relies on the Big Bang Theory.  It gives a prediction for the end and possible rebirth of the universe.  According the the article, "How the Big Crunch Theory Works," the universe is either open (expanding forever), flat (coasting from the energy of the big bang), or closed (expanding then coming back into itself).  The Big Crunch will happen if the universe is closed.  Once it reaches maximum expansion, it will start recoiling and collapse on itself, and the universe will end in hot, dense singularity.
     Gravity and density are the deciding factors as to whether the universe will expand or retract.  If the gravity within the universe ins strong enough, it could pull the universe to contract.  Also, if the density of the universe is greater than the critical limit, the universe will contract.  The reason scientists believe the universe is closed and the Big Crunch will happen is because dark matter, which cannot be seen, may be adding enough force to bring the universe back onto itself. However, dark energy may be speeding up the expansion.
     The problem with the Big Crunch Theory is that dark matter and dark energy cannot be seen and can only be estimated.

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