Monday, November 18, 2013

Water Cycle Expository Essay

Lydia Waybright
Mr. Sharpe
Earth Science
November 8, 2013
Water Cycle Expository Essay
        The water cycle is a vital part of our day to day life. We experience it every single day.  There are three phases of the water cycle—evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.  It is important to know about each phase of the water cycle and how they impact the world.
The water cycle does not occur in any particular order, but one phase to study is evaporation.  In evaporation, water changes from liquid to gas.  Water evaporates because the energy from heat breaks the bonds that hold water molecules together.  In this phase Latent Heat is absorbed.  Transpiration is the form of evaporation that comes from plants, and evapotranspiration is the process of water vapor being released into the atmosphere because of transpiration.  Evaporation is also useful in producing some consumer products.  For example, seawater is put in evaporation ponds so that salt and other minerals will be obtained when the water evaporates.  The evaporation process is constantly happening and is useful for all humans.
Another phase of the water cycle is condensation, where gas becomes liquid.  In this phase, Latent Heat is released.  Because of condensation, clouds are formed when vapor in the atmosphere becomes liquid, and clouds are formed to hold the water.  Fog is similar.  It is water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near ground level; fog is essentially clouds closer to the ground.  Contrails are man-made clouds.  When a jet flies by and leaves water vapor in the cold atmosphere, that is a contrail.  They can be used for weather forecasting.  If they go away quickly, there will be good weather.  That is how condensation is experienced every day.
The last phase of the water cycle is precipitation, which is when water is released from the clouds in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.  The water in the clouds gets too heavy and drops back down to the Earth.  Once water hits the ground, it soaks into the ground and becomes groundwater.  Precipitation also feeds the oceans.  The water falls into lakes and rivers and eventually flows into the oceans.

These are details about each phase of the water cycle.  Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation happen every day.  Without the water cycle, things that occur normally every day would not be able to function.  The water cycle is extremely important to our world.  

Weather Videos

How is a warming climate changing weather? *Current examples
How does weather affect our lives?
What should we do to prepare?
How important are accurate weather reports?
     The warming climate is changing weather patterns because of the heat in the atmosphere.  It causes more flooding and increases the dangers of hurricanes in certain zones.
Weather affects our lives because we have to plan how to be prepared for it day to day.  We have to have accurate weather reports to know how to prepare for each day.  It could be something small like whether to carry an umbrella, but it can also be much more detrimental.  If there is a tornado or hurricane on its way, people have to know to get out of the area and go somewhere safe.
    There are many ways that people can prepare for inclimate weather.  For one thing, they can rely on weather reports, which is why it is important for accurate weather reports to be accurate. In addition, people can take precautions such as getting a small generater or having a plan in case of a tornado.  People have to be educated about the safest ways to get through storms.
     Weather has been very harsh lately.  There have been several tornadoes in Indiana and severe storms in the Philippines.  The people affected by these storms have to have plans of action when these storms are coming along.  Preparation and knowledge are key because these storms are not going to stop occuring.